Bildco Inc. is the most trusted name in remodeling and refurbishing properties in Huntington, NY. Specializing in kitchen and bathroom remodeling, we deliver the most reliable service in the industry. With our team of seasoned professionals, you get the best service at the best rates. Transform your space with Bildco Inc. With a sharp focus on quality, at Bildco Inc. we use only the best construction materials that promise longevity as well as functionality. You can rely on us to realize your dream space.
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Bildco Inc. is the most trusted name in remodeling and refurbishing properties in Huntington, NY. Specializing in kitchen and bathroom remodeling, we deliver the most reliable service in the industry. With our team of seasoned professionals, you get the best service at the best rates. Transform your space with Bildco Inc. With a sharp focus on quality, at Bildco Inc. we use only the best construction materials that promise longevity as well as functionality. You can rely on us to realize your dream space.
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